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Bruce Moen's Books in Electronic Format

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Voyages into the Unknown - køb som e-bog i dansk webshop her
Volume 1 of the Exploring the Afterlife series
"I'm just an ordinary human being whose curiosity about human existence beyond death led me to extraordinary experience. If there is any difference between you and me, it is only that my curiosity has already led me to explore and know what lies beyond death in the Afterlife." Bruce Moen

Voyage Beyond Doubt
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Volume 2 of the Exploring the Afterlife series
"I hope that by sharing my journey of discovery, others will be able to recognize Afterlife landmarks should they embark on a journey of their own. The tools to explore the Afterlife are available to any of us. There's no need to take the word of other explorers; you can learn the truth through your own direct experience." Bruce Moen

Voyages into the Afterlife: Charting Unknown Territory
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Volume 3 of the Exploring the Afterlife series
"The fear of death we carry is erased by Knowledge of what lies beyond our physical world's horizon. I want you to know you don't have to take anyone else's word for what the Afterlife is. You can explore There yourself and learn from your own direct experience. There you might discover not just hope, but knowledge. The one message I want to be sure to deliver before I die is that when you board your ship for the Afterlife, as we all someday must, there's an opportunity to live in complete freedom." Bruce Moen

Curiosity's Father 
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Volume 4 of the Exploring the Afterlife Series
"Is Consciousness evolving toward something, and if so, what and why? Does humankind have some purpose in the struggle to survive? Who or what created the physical world we live in? And what about all those other realities some people claim to have visited, who or what created them? And why? Are Heaven and Hell real places, like our religions describe them? If they exist, what determines which one I go to when I die? Do I stay in the same one for eternity? Out of curiosity about these and other questions a group of us began a series of Partnered Explorations looking for answers. Partnered exploring is an advanced technique in which two or more physically living people agree to meet, nonphysically, and explore together. Afterwards each member documents their experiences, and then shares their written notes with each other. Seeing one's own experiences reflected in a partner's notes gives a level of verification for the experience. Almost all the material in Curiosity's Father was gathered using this technique. Perhaps when each partner comes back from an exploration with the same answers they are describing something real." Bruce Moen

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